Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sneak Peek!

I'm working on a few projects as Christmas gifts and they're all new to me! As usual, I gave myself a goal that is probably just out of reach and will make myself get there anyway. I'll be exhausted when it's over, and probably a little stressed, BUT when I see the surprise on the recipient's faces it will all be worth it! I actually wish I could add more cool projects but don't think I'll have time. If time slows for me in some miraculous way that enables me to complete my mandatory projects in plenty of time, I may tackle the "wish I could" project. We'll see! I can't give any hints or clues since someone reading might be a gift recipient, but I will give a sneak peek that shouldn't give away the end result.

This is one type of project but for three different people. Aren't these prints beautiful?!

And these fabrics will all make up one project.

I'm so excited about these and can't wait to share the real thing! When the time comes I may post a tutorial for you all!

Have a great weekend!